Pozivni znak: | MBPK8 |
MMSI številka: | 232010252 |
Navigacijski status: | Under way (engine) (0) |
Klasa plovila: | Sailing (36) |
Lokacija: | 50°45.07' N 1°31.51' W - lokator IO90FS60XG - prikaži karto 3.4 miles Severno smer 340° od Yarmouth, Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom [?] 4.1 miles Severno smer 350° od Freshwater, Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom 80.1 miles Jugozahodno smer 230° od London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom 81.4 miles Jugozahodno smer 230° od City of London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom |
Zadnja pozicija: | 2025-01-15 10:45:22 EST (16d 13h35m "nazaj") 2025-01-15 15:45:22 GMT lokalni čas pri: Yarmouth, United Kingdom [?] |
Kurz: | 360° – naslov 511° |
Hitrost: | 0 MPH |
Izmere: | dolžina 11 m širina 4 m ugrez 0.0 m |
Zadnja pot: | MBPK8>ais via G7RUH |
Skupno shranjenih pozicij: | 874 |
klicni znak | razdalja | zadnjič slišano - EST | klicni znak | razdalja | zadnjič slišano - EST | |||
RHAPSODY | 8.5 yards 270° | 2025-01-02 03:50:35 | HAMBLE DAWN V | 11.0 yards 8° | 2025-01-31 08:46:44 | |||
STORMBREAKER III | 48.4 yards 28° | 2025-01-30 05:58:37 | JO | 49.4 yards 304° | 2025-01-30 10:16:33 | |||
VENEZIA | 59.8 yards 285° | 2025-01-31 09:32:13 | PATIENT PURSUIT 4 | 78.7 yards 351° | 2025-01-21 11:28:09 | |||
SNOW GOOSE | 84.1 yards 275° | 2025-01-18 09:30:20 | SAMPHIRE | 86.7 yards 291° | 2025-01-19 09:37:32 | |||
HELIOS | 90.1 yards 338° | 2025-01-17 11:41:47 | SPARKY | 106.3 yards 246° | 2025-01-18 09:30:20 | |||
CLOUD NINE | 108.9 yards 297° | 2025-01-31 11:43:34 | DON PEARL | 110.3 yards 343° | 2025-01-22 11:57:52 | |||
MEDDLER | 119.2 yards 264° | 2025-01-30 20:37:18 | PURE MOMENTUM | 122.5 yards 218° | 2025-01-22 09:26:09 | |||
MIDNIGHT MAGIC | 123.4 yards 282° | 2025-01-25 12:25:28 | PURA VIDA | 123.9 yards 277° | 2025-01-15 09:18:00 | |||
INDIGO | 128.9 yards 260° | 2025-02-01 00:15:25 | WIND SPIRIT | 134.2 yards 295° | 2025-01-12 10:36:31 | |||
OPAL MOON | 139.5 yards 266° | 2025-02-01 00:15:25 | TOP CAT | 145.2 yards 296° | 2025-01-24 07:17:51 |