Pozivni znak: | 2AQU3 |
MMSI številka: | 235065146 |
Navigacijski status: | Undefined/default (15) |
Klasa plovila: | Pleasure (37) |
Lokacija: | 50°43.51' N 1°16.59' W - lokator IO90IR64TB - prikaži karto 1.9 miles Jugovzhodno smer 125° od Northwood, Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom [?] 2.3 miles Južno smer 167° od East Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, United Kingdom 73.6 miles Jugozahodno smer 223° od London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom 74.8 miles Jugozahodno smer 224° od City of London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom |
Zadnja pozicija: | 2025-01-20 10:37:51 EST (16d 21h7m "nazaj") 2025-01-20 15:37:51 GMT lokalni čas pri: Northwood, United Kingdom [?] |
Kurz: | 360° – naslov 511° |
Hitrost: | 0 MPH |
Izmere: | dolžina 12 m širina 4 m ugrez 0.0 m |
Zadnja pot: | 2AQU3>ais via G7RUH |
Skupno shranjenih pozicij: | 879 |
klicni znak | razdalja | zadnjič slišano - EST | klicni znak | razdalja | zadnjič slišano - EST | |||
FANTASEA | 22.1 yards 352° | 2025-01-10 11:16:18 | SWIFT II | 68.3 yards 249° | 2025-02-05 12:59:02 | |||
KAJTUULA | 106.6 yards 42° | 2025-01-15 10:19:41 | GIPSY | 137.7 yards 250° | 2025-02-06 07:44:43 | |||
VIKING | 180.7 yards 57° | 2025-01-12 06:58:33 | MAGNUM | 194.8 yards 49° | 2025-02-04 06:50:51 | |||
TAVI | 223.1 yards 259° | 2025-02-01 08:15:52 | MASQUERADE PLYMOUTH | 224.8 yards 258° | 2025-01-17 10:56:12 | |||
LEXINGTON | 225.0 yards 68° | 2025-02-02 11:03:37 | RAMBLIN' ROSE | 236.2 yards 257° | 2025-02-04 09:22:30 | |||
YARMOUTH ROSE | 274.2 yards 262° | 2025-01-30 10:21:36 | ARCTURUS | 285.1 yards 214° | 2025-01-29 21:38:45 | |||
BLUES | 331.5 yards 274° | 2025-01-07 10:25:21 | 2E1CAU I | 398.6 yards 152° | 2025-02-06 07:35:38 | |||
2E1CAU-I | 398.6 yards 152° | 2025-02-06 07:35:47 | RNLI HOVERCRAFT H005 | 405.9 yards 313° | 2025-01-15 06:59:47 | |||
PALAMEDES | 453.1 yards 309° | 2025-01-13 05:08:19 | ESK LADY | 0.4 miles 327° | 2025-02-05 11:08:49 | |||
CW1734 | 0.4 miles 142° | 2025-02-06 07:39:03 | G0PEB-1 | 1.1 miles 21° | 2025-01-27 07:43:30 |