Pozivni znak: | 2GTX5 |
MMSI številka: | 235115986 |
Klasa plovila: | Sailing (36) |
Lokacija: | 50°51.05' N 1°18.78' W - lokator IO90IU24KE - prikaži karto 0.8 miles Jugovzhodno smer 141° od Hamble, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom [?] 2.5 miles Južno smer 177° od Bursledon, Hampshire, England, United Kingdom 68.6 miles Jugozahodno smer 229° od London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom 69.9 miles Jugozahodno smer 230° od City of London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom |
Zadnja pozicija: | 2025-01-10 06:43:00 EST (21d 19h32m "nazaj") 2025-01-10 11:43:00 GMT lokalni čas pri: Hamble, United Kingdom [?] |
Kurz: | 360° – naslov 511° |
Hitrost: | 0 MPH |
Zadnja pot: | 2GTX5>ais via G7RUH |
Skupno shranjenih pozicij: | 17 |
klicni znak | razdalja | zadnjič slišano - EST | klicni znak | razdalja | zadnjič slišano - EST | |||
CORUISK | 8.8 yards 74° | 2025-01-24 10:14:31 | BRIGHTWORK | 23.5 yards 191° | 2025-01-27 06:42:59 | |||
DUSTY P | 27.8 yards 255° | 2025-01-22 10:57:10 | HAIR OF THE DOG | 34.5 yards 225° | 2025-01-13 08:30:59 | |||
SURPRISE | 34.7 yards 264° | 2025-01-21 07:45:43 | ACAMAR OF LYMINGTON | 36.4 yards 339° | 2025-01-29 10:22:37 | |||
AEFRE | 49.2 yards 156° | 2025-01-25 09:38:03 | BLUE MOON | 49.3 yards 213° | 2025-01-10 11:06:11 | |||
MAPLE REEF | 51.4 yards 62° | 2025-01-15 06:29:06 | ULIXES | 55.4 yards 94° | 2025-01-30 08:05:05 | |||
MARGO SARGO 36 | 58.6 yards 162° | 2025-01-10 11:01:08 | KAIROS | 59.8 yards 167° | 2025-01-08 08:59:57 | |||
SCRIBBLE | 61.5 yards 218° | 2025-01-30 09:25:59 | LYRA | 63.6 yards 240° | 2025-01-30 06:54:16 | |||
AURA OF ELLOS | 65.6 yards 181° | 2025-01-29 12:03:37 | LOREA | 68.1 yards 207° | 2025-01-30 09:15:53 | |||
BLACKBIRD | 73.1 yards 210° | 2025-01-27 08:03:40 | ZEME | 74.2 yards 178° | 2025-01-17 04:55:27 | |||
ECLIPSE | 115.5 yards 57° | 2025-01-30 10:56:58 | SEA SAW | 118.9 yards 61° | 2025-01-19 08:46:57 |